Sarasota County Building Permits (Florida)

Building Departments in Sarasota County, FL create and enforce building codes and zoning rules to ensure that buildings are safe. They also review and approve building plans and issue Sarasota County building permits. These building permits may be required for land development, renovations, demolition, repairs, and other construction. Permits can show if a building meets Sarasota County fire codes and other building regulations, demonstrate that a building is safe to occupy, and they can also be used to prove that a construction project holds a valid Sarasota County building permit. Sarasota County Building Departments provide information on which projects require a building permit, how to apply for a permit, and the rules for receiving a permit. They may also provide searchable databases of approved Sarasota County building permits. Building Departments often provide online access to building permit rules and records.

Longboat Key Building Department, Planning, Zoning and Permits Longboat Key FL 501 Bay Isles Road 34228 941-316-1966 Suggest Edit

North Port Building Department North Port FL 4970 City Hall Boulevard 34286 941-429-7044 Suggest Edit

North Port Zoning North Port FL 4970 City Hall Boulevard 34286 941-429-7201 Suggest Edit

Sarasota Building Department Sarasota FL 1565 1st Street 34236 941-954-4126 Suggest Edit

Sarasota County Building Department Sarasota FL 1001 Sarasota Center Boulevard 34240 941-861-5000 Suggest Edit

Sarasota Zoning Sarasota FL 1565 1st Street, # 2 34236 941-954-4127 Suggest Edit

Venice Building Department Venice FL 401 West Venice Avenue 34285 941-486-2626 Suggest Edit

Code Enforcement Offices in Sarasota County, FL are responsible for ensuring compliance with building codes, zoning rules, and other regulations. As part of enforcing these codes and regulations, Sarasota County Code Enforcement often issue building permits. These permits may be required for Sarasota County land development, demolition, repairs, renovations, and other kinds of construction. They may also issue Sarasota County occupancy permits at the end of a construction project, which certify that the building meets code and can be occupied. Code Enforcement Offices may also be responsible for issuing certificates of zoning compliance, and they produce reports that show if a building has any code violations or has a valid Sarasota County permit for construction. Their office can also help look up building permit rules, apply for a permit, or search for approved permits. Code Enforcement Offices often provide online access to their building permit records.

Florida Circuit Court-Code Enforcement Sarasota FL 1660 Ringling Boulevard 34236 941-951-5279 Suggest Edit

Sarasota County Code Enforcement Sarasota FL 1001 Sarasota Center Boulevard 34240 941-861-6500 Suggest Edit

Venice Code Enforcement Venice FL 401 West Venice Avenue 34285 941-486-2626 Suggest Edit

Town and City Halls in Sarasota County, FL provide municipal services for their community, such as preserving vital records and issuing and filing building permits. These Sarasota County building permits may be required for a number of construction projects, including renovations, demolitions, repairs, land development, and planned construction. They may also issue land use permits related to property boundary lines, as well as occupancy permits that certify that a building meets code and can be occupied by residents in Sarasota County, Florida. These records can be used to prove that a construction project has a valid Sarasota County permit, find approved and rejected permit applications, or to look up building permit requirements, apply for a permit, or search for approved permits. Town and City Halls typically provide online access to their building permit services.

Longboat Key Town Hall Longboat Key FL 501 Bay Isles Road 34228 941-316-1999 Suggest Edit

North Port City Hall North Port FL 4970 City Hall Boulevard 34286 941-429-7000 Suggest Edit

Sarasota City Hall Sarasota FL 1565 1st Street 34236 941-365-2200 Suggest Edit

Sarasota Town Hall Sarasota FL 4209 South Tamiami Trail, # 4231 34231 941-921-5849 Suggest Edit

Venice City Hall Venice FL 401 West Venice Avenue 34285 941-486-2626 Suggest Edit

Building Inspectors in Sarasota County, FL ensure that all construction projects meet building codes and regulations. They are responsible for monitoring designs, building materials, Sarasota County building safety codes, and utilities like electricity and plumbing. As part of this job, Sarasota County Building Inspectors issue permits for new construction, remodels, renovations, and planned construction. They also issue demolition, relocation, and occupancy permits, including inspection reports that verify that a Sarasota County property is safe for residents. Building Inspectors maintain records and reports on their inspections and permits, which include information about the Sarasota County property owners, the property, and whether the permit is valid. Their records also show Sarasota County violations and work stoppage orders. They provide information on how to receive a permit as well as permit requirements, and much of this information may be available on the Building Inspector website.

Sarasota Building Inspector Sarasota FL 1565 1st Street 34236 941-954-4126 Suggest Edit

Sarasota County Building Inspector Sarasota FL 1001 Sarasota Center Boulevard 34240 941-861-6441 Suggest Edit